Monday, 10 June 2013

More legal challenges for bullet train linking London to the North of England

This article is on the everlasting effort to get clearance for the high speed railway line connecting London to the North of England. This time the project faces opposition from Yorkshire activists. This opposition was of little value however, seeing how recently the government has won in court, granting them green light to proceed their operations. The first phase of the railway line is linking London to Birmingham. The second phase would expand the lines from Leeds to Manchester. The green light is a victory of grave importance to the government. It had the potential to shut down the project for good if the government was to lose.

I can understand the opposition against a high speed bullet train through the center of England from multiple parties such as the Yorkshire party. However, I do think it is necessary to continue with a project that so many people could benefit from. A high speed connection rail through the center of England might not be the best looking thing ever, but it will make for a vast improvement in Public Transport for all Brits. On the other hand I do deem activist parties a necessity, it’s always great to hear the voice of your people.




BBC. (2013, 03 15).Sam Smith. Retrieved 05 05, 2013, from YouTube:




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